Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Christmas Party

Just wanted you all to know that we set the Christmas Party for Saturday December 12th at 12 noon. This seemed to work best for most everyone. We will be hosting it at our new home on Trawick Rd. Let me know if you need directions. I will decide on menu over the weekend and let you all know. We are looking forward to it. Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Christmas Party

Christmas is rapidly approaching and we need to set a date for the Christmas Party. We are so excited to be hosting this year! I need each of you to reply to this message and let me know what works best for you. Hopefully we will find a date that everyone can attend. If not, we will choose the date with the least amount of conflicts. Right now we are looking at Dec 11th, 12th, 18th or 19th. Another option would be Monday the 21st - I figured this might work since school would be out.

This will be adults only and I will figure out the menu in the near future. As usual, bring a dirty Santa gift - one per person and be sure to keep it under $10.00. This always proves to be a fun time for all!

We absolutely can't wait to the party. Please let me know what works or better yet it there is any date that does not work for you. We want to get this nailed down before Sunday. Hope the rest of your week is wonderful!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Prayer Request and Reminder

I hope everyone is having a great week. Stacey gave me a prayer request at the end of class last Sunday, so I am forwarding it to everyone. Steve Clayton is waiting on a lung transplant at UAB. He works at SAMC. Please lift him up in prayer.

Three other things.
1. Don't forget that this Sunday I will show pictures and give testimony about the crusade to Malawi, Africa.

2. I don't want us to give up on fellowshipping together. We need to nail down a time and place for our Christmas Party. We also need to make sure and invite the mature women of God we have adopted.

3. It is my heart that we develop a plan to reach the lost in our area. This is becoming more and more pressing on me as I realize the amount of effort we spend doing things that will never impact the Kingdom of God. Please be in prayer and thought about this.

Love all of you,

Friday, November 13, 2009

Prayer Request / Christmas Party

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week, but I already know a few of you have not been feeling well, thus one reason for this post. The Dukes have had the stomach bug hit everyone in their house over the past week and a half. I pray you guys are doing so much better! Also, Brandon is going to have his wisdom teeth out on Monday. He has been in a lot of pain, so please pray that all would go well!

We also need to nail down a date for our Christmas party, so get out your calendars and be prepared to discuss it in class on Sunday! Hope you all have a great weekend. See you on Sunday!