Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Class Lunch this Sunday!

Don't forget that this Sunday, October 4th is our class luncheon in the Family Life Center. Please bring 2 side dishes. We will collect money for the meat and rolls.

We will have a special treat during lunch. Will and Elizabeth will find out the gender of their new baby during lunch. They had an ultrasound this week and got the ultrasound tech to put the results in an envelope without telling them. The envelope is being given to someone who will bake a cake which will be pink for a girl or blue for a boy. They won't know which it is until they cut the cake at lunch on Sunday! So you don't want to miss this as it will be a fun time of rejoicing with the Dukes!

Also let me mention, if you missed Sunday Morning's worship service.. you missed a treat. I highly recommend you listen to it on the church The entire service was focused on Authentic Corporate Worship. There were all types of music, responsive readings, Puritan prayers and Bro. Bradley tied it all together at the end. Wow! I was so blessed by it all.

1 comment:

  1. We will be at the luncheon in spirit. Please pray for our family as we will be traveling to Orlando for a week long vaccation to Disney for our Fall Break. This was a wonderful time for our family last year and we are hoping for the same this year. We do expect a text as soon as cake is cut so Kara will know the gender of her future Sunday School pupil. Lots of love!
