Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Class Lunch This Week

Just a reminder that we will have lunch after church this week. We are planning on bringing your favorite "crockpot" dish with the trimmings. ( Crackers, cheese, or any garnishment needed.) I plan on bringing a griddle to make Grilled Cheese Sandwiches for the kids ( or anybody).

Also, thanks so much to everyone for making Elizabeth's shower a success. Please continue to remember her in prayer as she approaches delivery. It won't be long until we get to welcome Miss Susanna Joy to the world!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


I forgot to mention in my last post that we will be having a class luncheon on January 24th, so mark your calendars.

Also ladies, don't forget, Elizabeth's baby shower is Monday night :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Upcoming Events

Happy New Year! By now, we are are getting settled back into our regular routine. I hope each of you had a wonderful CHRISTmas!

I wanted to let you know of a couple of upcoming events.

First of all, our class is hosting a church wide baby shower for Elizabeth on Monday January 18th 6:30 p.m. in the church parlor. It will be so fun to shower her with lots of girly things for Susanna Joy!

Also, our church ladies will be hosting a "Tables of Love" event on February 11th. I have never personally been to one of these events but have heard of them numerous times. Basically it is a night for ladies to come together for a refreshing evening. If you would like to be a table host, please let Mrs. Susanna know. As a host, you choose a scripture verse theme for your table and decorate it likewise. Don't fret if you think you can't decorate a table. There are some ladies willing to help with that part if you want to host. You can invite anyone to come and be your guest at your table, so this is a perfect outreach opportunity. Keep your eyes and ears open for more details or see Susanna or Donna Odom. I have already signed up to host a table and hope you will as well! I think it will be great fun!