Thursday, October 15, 2009

Prayer Request

I just wanted to ask all of you to pray for precious baby Thomas who was born earlier this week 7 weeks premature. His dad works with J. He is doing well other than his breathing and he is not improving. They are moving him to a NICU about an hour and a half from here - according to their blog. They will be able to treat him there and expect to see improvement soon. Please pray that his lungs will respond to the treatments. Also pray for strenght for Thomas' mommy - who is recovering from the emergency c-section. Her blood count is still low and she is weak. They are releasing her from the hospital so she can travel up to be with him.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

If you missed today's lunch social you missed a treat! The suspense was about to kill us as we waited for the gender of the next Duke baby to be revealed! Well if you haven't already heard the results, here are the pictures to tell the story!

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It's a GIRL!

Congratulations Will and Elizabeth! We can't wait to meet her!