Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday Update

I spoke to Stacey's mom this afternoon. She said other than being slightly sick to her stomach, Stacey was doing well. Her blood pressure, etc was good and no seizures. They plan to keep her in CCU until Saturday. I am working on planning meals for them when they get to come home. I have found an online calendar that we can use and everyone can just log into it and see what the needs are and sign up online. I should have it set up in the next couple of days. I feel like there will be several outside our class... possibly outside our church who will want to help as well, so this calendar should help co-ordinate it all.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sugery Progress... Updated

Talked to Stacey's mom around 11 am. Surgery went fine. They were getting her set up in CCU, where she will spend the next couple of days. Pray that she will not be nauseated. She was really dreading the nausea after waking up.

Earlier today....Just spoke to Stacey's sister, she is still in surgery. They have repaired the hole and are putting in a drainage tube now. She will spend the next couple of days in CCU. Keep praying.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Stacey' Surgery

Talked with Stacey's sister and surgery is supposed to be around 7:15 am on Wednesday morning.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Talked to Stacey

I talked to Stacey tonight. She sounded tired but said everything was ok. She said she is about to go stir crazy. Michael was gone to Anna's ballgame and a friend was with her, so I didn't bug her about lots of details or keep her on the phone long. Surgery is still scheduled for Wednesday and she is ready for it to get here.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Update on Stacey

The last word I have on Stacey is that she has been moved back to a regular room. They are asking to limit visits to 5 minutes and only 2 visitors at a time as not to tire her out. Surgery is still scheduled for Wednesday. Please continue to lift her up in prayer.

Welcome to our class blog!

This blog exist to keep our class informed of class events, prayer needs, etc.